Wednesday, March 30, 2011

nightshade book review

NightShade by Andrea Cremer is about  girl that has to decide between love for a boy and the love for her pack. Calla a 17 year old girl who is the alpha of a pack of high school wolves named the Nightshades, She has been the leader since she was a little girl but now she has to marry a boy named Ren he is the alpha of the Banes. These 2 packs have been fighting and the Marriage between them is suppose to help, plus the keepers (Wizards) want a pack to protect Haldis, a mysteries box that no 1 knows whats in it. Then this strange boy named Shay comes to town, he is suppose to fill a prophecy, they meet and Calla has to protect him. Shay lives with his uncle because his parents died when he was really young, his uncle is a bad guy that has a library full of books about the past war, and every Guardian (wolf that can switch from human to wolf in a few seconds). Ren gets Jealous of Shay and very territorial when it comes to Calla. Calla starts falling for Shay a forbidding love that can't be because she has a destiny and the wrong choice could be the end of her and everyone she ever loved.
    I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read it really is a good book. It is really long 454 pages but don't let that scare you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shakespeare's biography (link2)-sharon

There is barley any personal information that survived Elizabethan times, except for plays,legal and church documents. he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 23 1564. He was born the 3rd out of 8 children, 3 of them died. Williams father's name was John Shakespeare his mother was Mary Arden,his father was a merchant,his mother a heiress. As a young boy he attended a free grammar thats where he learned latin and classic greek he never went to a University,because of this there is a debate about the authorship of some plays.
                                                        Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway
  Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, they had 3 kids and a set of twins, 1 of the twins died at 11. 7 years after his twins were born he disappeared from all legal documents in 1588. He showed up again in 1592 this was also known as The Lost Years. He established himself as a actor and play writer this caused a lot of people to be jealous because he was so young and talented. His success allowed him to retire in comfort to stratford in 1611, where he died on his birthday in 1616.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Her name is worry

Her name is Worry
She's 29 yet 40
Kids are wise adults
Tired but not enough work

Sad just waiting for joy
Scared she can't be employed
Kids what are they to do
They wait together its all they knew

Hope is running low
Love is running high
Kids to sad to cry
Mom to scared to die

Monday, January 24, 2011

Peer Editing

Peer editing can be frustrating, but when something goes bad isn't that how you get judged for your character. If your editing partner doesn't get the editing done by the due date, then you can help them, push them, encourage them, what ever you feel is right. Peer editing will help you see a different point of view. It helps to know what else you can do, and it gives you a chance to help another person who might be stuck and could use some ideas. All together its kinda fun I liked it you might to.
Thank you


This first semester was painful, the changes and taking on to much all together I wanted to barry my head in the snow and cry.  I joined the basketball team thinking well maybe i'll feel better and i'll like it so i'll try harder at school. But it gives me little time to do my homework, tired 24-7, don't have time for family or friends, and I don't really have time for chores I try but I haven't tried seriously. So I plan on figuring out a schedule. I'll make things work this semester its time to really start over.


My english teacher makes us write on this blog for a grade. Writing doesn't come to easily to me, but I  enjoyed writing on this blog. I actually learned somethings about writing, a few things i learned about is how to open your mind, to write about things yet put your own little zip to it, i learned if you just do it its not that bad it gets kinda fun after awhile. I learned a lot from my english class, even the loud and annoying  ones.
 Thank you

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Book Review: MockingJay


New York Times best selling author Suzanne Collins writes The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and now the last book of The Hunger Games, MockingJay.  
MockingJay is a Fictional book written by Suzanne Collins. Based in the future, a girl named Katniss Everdeen is forced into a war that she started(Thats what she thinks). The rebels in district 13 are planning the finale attack on the capitol. Katniss has faced a lot of mental trauma, when she was in the arena and shot that arrow threw the electric wall she also lost the one person who knew exactly how she felt Peeta. Peeta got captured and tortured by the capitol. Nightmares come at night and don't leave for the both of them. The only thing that keeps her sane is hunting with Gale, and the thought of killing Snow, the president of the districts. The only thing that keeps him sane is the thought of killing Katniss. Just be aware of the ending it might not be what you expected just keep a open mind through out the book. This book is like the others you just cant get enough.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Arizona Shooting

Jared Lee Loughner is a suspect in a Arizona shooting.  Mr. Loughner is accused of killing 6 people including a nine year old girl, and a federal judge, wounding 13 including congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who remains hospitalized. He remains innocent until proven guilty, a jury will decide if he should be spared the death penalty because of his mental state. Judy Clarke his attorney is known for trying to keep her clients from getting the death penalty. Clarke is trying to get the case moved to another state, because it would be hard to get a fair jury that doesn't know anything about the case. Clarke is also digging up anything from his past that makes him look insane. If the jury decides that he is insane, then he wont get the death penalty because the supreme court has long held that the insane may not be executed. They just have to figure out if the crime was premeditated because if so then it is the opposite of insane.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Life seems to be dull and gray when you look into the eyes of a blind man, but when you look into his mind, it is the sight of the world that you see.
That is a little strange and very yoda of me to write some thing like this but  just read it and post what you think this quote is saying.